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Financial help for Riverside County Business

Dollar Bill in Jar



$10,000 COVID-19 Small Business Grant from the County of Riverside Business.

To be eligible, your business must:

  1. Be an existing For-Profit business since March 1st, 2019 located within the County of Riverside

  2. Be able to demonstrate adverse business impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic

  3. Have a current business license from the City in which your business is located if you are within a city limit.

  4. Be in good standing with the City your business is located in or the County of Riverside (i.e. No open code violations)

  5. The following businesses are not eligible for funding: Non-profits, Illegal businesses, passive income real estate projects, cannabis related businesses, adult entertainment businesses, or religious organizations.

  6. Be a Business with 49 employees or less, including the owner(s).

  7. Businesses which have received a Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loan of $75,000 or less from the Federal Government are now eligible for the grant.

  8. Copy of your current City Business License if you are within a city limit.

  9. Copy of your Business Income Statement as of 12/31/19, or if not available, your business 2019 or 2018 Federal Tax Returns Cover Sheet

Eligible grant uses can include:

  1. Necessary equipment and operating technology

  2. Inventory and working capital including PPE

  3. Facility cleaning & restoration

  4. Rent or business mortgage payments

  5. Employee retention and support

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